Call on MEPs to vote down harmful EU Migration Pact

This week, MEPs will be presented with a final chance to reject the files in a Plenary vote, and to give a political signal against the adoption of a Pact that would undermine fundamental rights.
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The third Forum for Cooperation and Integration is behind us!

Solidarity, dignity, empathy… these are just some of the values guiding the daily work of the organizations participating in the Third Forum for Cooperation and Integration, which took place in November/December 2023 in Warsaw.
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© Finn IJspeert/Unsplash Finn IJspeert

At the starting point. Monitoring of collective accommodation

The Migration Consortium’s monitoring in 6 provinces of Poland and correspondence with authorities have shown a lack of a coherent strategy and information flow between authorities, and raise concerns about the intent of the legal changes, a realistic assessment of the living situation and the possibility of self-detention for refugee women, and the lack of alternatives in the Polish housing market with the observed social “hospitality fatigue” after a time of months of solidarity.
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Nomada Stowarzyszenie

A sketch for local integration policies

Poland has gone from being an emigration country to an immigration country. This is a great challenge, but also an opportunity - but efforts are needed to teach old and new residents to live together. Support in creating local migration policies can be provided by this document.
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Photo: Pexels

Open letter to international donors

We appeal for equal approach to the concept of partnership, respect for the limited time and resources of our organizations, unification of procedures, transparency and frankness. We have prepared 9 points that we would like international donors to reflect upon and consider actions leading to change.
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Our mission

Our mission is to work on behalf of refugees and migrants, so that each and every one of them can fully enjoy their rights and freedoms. We want to create a broad platform for joint activities, exchange of experiences, improving the quality of work and public debate on migration and integration in Poland.
Respect for the dignity
of all people
Providing protection
and adequate support to all migrants and refugees
Strengthening the sense of solidarity
of Polish women and men with other people
Building community
of all people living in Poland, regardless of their legal status, nationality or other personal characteristics

Migration Academy

The Migration Academy is a hybrid tool for local governments and NGOs to gain knowledge and competence in migration management. On the platform you will find educational and expert materials on the integration of people with migration and refugee experience in Poland, especially at the local level.
Building competencies
to work in the area of migrant integration in the context of the war in Ukraine, its long-term consequences, and with an eye to the migration and integration challenges of the next few years.
A community of support
and partnerships for joint action for refugees and migrants at the local level.

Knowledge base

We are a source of reliable information on the situation of migrants in Poland. We want to create a broad platform for joint action, exchange of experiences, improving the quality of work and public debate in the area of migration and integration in Poland.





Karollyne Videira Hubert on Unsplash Image license:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Report: Navigating narratives in Ukraine: humanitarian response amid solidarity and resistance
ODI has released its latest report, examining the narratives surrounding the war in Ukraine. The report was produced in collaboration with the Migration Consortium and the British Red…
News, Reports | 04.10.2023
At the starting point. Monitoring of collective accommodation for Ukrainian refugees
The Migration Consortium's monitoring in 6 provinces of Poland and correspondence with authorities have shown a lack of a coherent strategy and information flow between authorities, and raise…
News, Reports | 21.08.2023
Report: The Polish School of Assistance
The report is based on an analysis of activities carried out in selected local communities from three types of cities: large (Krakow, Lublin, Poznan, Rzeszow, Warsaw), medium (Lomza,…
Reports | 10.05.2023
Seeking refuge in Poland: A fact finding report on access to asylum and reception conditions for asylum seekers
At the beginning of the crisis at the Belarusian border in 2021, Poland became the centre of attention in Europe for its response to what it defined as…
Reports | 17.04.2023
The EU must provide future-proof solutions for people displaced from Ukraine
With temporary protection set to expire on 4 March 2025, EU leadership is urgently needed to ensure millions of people displaced from Ukraine have continued access to rights…
News, Positions | 04.03.2024
How the political agreement on the EU pact on migration and asylum fails the solidarity and human rights test
A political agreement was found on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum on 19  December after intense weeks of trilogues. The worrying outcome weakens considerably the European asylum…
News, Positions | 26.01.2024
Partnering with Tunisia, the EU persists in its ill-guided politics to keep people out of its territory
The EU must stop signing agreements with third countries demonstrating human rights violations asit tries to stop migrants from arriving to Europe. Background The EU officially announced the…
Positions | 06.10.2023
Open letter to international donors and organizations that want to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland
We appeal for equal approach to the concept of partnership, respect for the limited time and resources of our organizations, unification of procedures, transparency and frankness. We have…
Positions | 10.10.2022
Nomada Stowarzyszenie
Outline of the local integration policies
Poland, along with the US, is the country receiving the most temporary migrants in the OECD. According to the Central Statistical Office, more than 2 million foreigners lived…
Politics | 01.07.2023
Comments regarding the new Pact on Migration and Asylum
September 2021 will see one year pass from the announcement by the European Union of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. According to its authors, that document,…
Politics, Positions | 03.12.2021
The migration-related policy of Poland – main directions and principles
Introduction We believe that human rights and liberties derived from an individual’s dignity form the base on which the policy of every state should be built. We firmly…
Politics, Positions | 02.07.2021
Zdjęcie: Mateusz Mękarski
The 4th Forum for Cooperation and Integration has come to an end – thank you for your participation!
The leitmotif of the fourth Forum for Cooperation and Integration, a meeting of dozens of NGOs from all over Poland working on behalf of migrants, was cooperation with…
News | 07.05.2024
Call on MEPs to vote down harmful EU Migration Pact
MEPs will be presented with a final chance to reject the files in a Plenary vote, and to give a political signal against the adoption of a Pact…
News | 09.04.2024
The EU must provide future-proof solutions for people displaced from Ukraine
With temporary protection set to expire on 4 March 2025, EU leadership is urgently needed to ensure millions of people displaced from Ukraine have continued access to rights…
News, Positions | 04.03.2024
How the political agreement on the EU pact on migration and asylum fails the solidarity and human rights test
A political agreement was found on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum on 19  December after intense weeks of trilogues. The worrying outcome weakens considerably the European asylum…
News, Positions | 26.01.2024
The Polish government responded to the appearance of people seeking international protection on the border with Belarus with deportations and sealing of the border (building a fence topped with razor wire, sending thousands of uniformed services over the border), which led to a serious humanitarian crisis. People fleeing to Europe in the hope of finding protection here have been forced to hide in the border forests.
Grupa Granica is an informal initiative formed in response to the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. Since 2021, our organizations have been involved in the group to bring aid to the border.
Store Without Borders is no ordinary store. The packages available here represent essential products that make humanitarian aid possible in the Polish-Belarusian border region. When you buy specific products, you decide what your money will be used for, such as what is necessary for those in the forest to survive, for legal support or to cover the costs of conducting humanitarian interventions.

Przekaż darowiznę

Wystarczy niewielka kwota, żeby pomóc. Darowiznę możesz przekazać jednorazowo lub ustawić comiesięczną wpłatę. Zobacz w jakich obszarach były wykorzystywane darowizny przekazane w 2022 roku
Zobacz w jakich obszarach były wykorzystywane darowizny przekazane w 2022 roku

narodowości osób, którym udzieliliśmy pomocy dzięki Waszym darom i działaniom


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tysięcy osób którym została udzielona pomoc exercitation cupidatat velit dolore nostrud ea commodo.


A Consortium is a democratic platform for cooperation, through which the activities of the organizations that make it up are coordinated to more fully utilize the resources available in each organization and share them with other entities.
We join forces not only within the Consortium, but also with organizations that share similar goals and values. If you want to cooperate with us - get in touch!