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As Christmas gift, Government suspends human rights

The bill “on amending the law on granting protection to foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Poland” is a macabre gift from the Polish government for…
News, Positions | 16.12.2024

Statement of I/NGOs in response to the Migration Strategy in Poland and in support of the right to international protection

"I couldn’t believe this is Europe." — Hamza from Yemen, testimony from the Polish-Belarusian border. We, the undersigned non-governmental organisations in Poland and across Europe, are deeply alarmed…
News, Positions | 20.11.2024

Recommendations for the Polish National Plan for Implementing the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

Each European Union member state is required to develop a plan for implementing the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. The Migration Strategy of Poland for 2025-2030, adopted…
News, Positions | 19.11.2024

10 points of criticism of the government’s migration strategy

The stance of the Migration Consortium on the government's migration strategy On October 15, the Council of Ministers adopted the document "Regaining control. Ensuring security. A comprehensive and…
News, Positions | 21.10.2024

The EU must provide future-proof solutions for people displaced from Ukraine

With temporary protection set to expire on 4 March 2025, EU leadership is urgently needed to ensure millions of people displaced from Ukraine have continued access to rights…
News, Positions | 04.03.2024

How the political agreement on the EU pact on migration and asylum fails the solidarity and human rights test

A political agreement was found on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum on 19  December after intense weeks of trilogues. The worrying outcome weakens considerably the European asylum…
News, Positions | 26.01.2024

Partnering with Tunisia, the EU persists in its ill-guided politics to keep people out of its territory

The EU must stop signing agreements with third countries demonstrating human rights violations asit tries to stop migrants from arriving to Europe. Background The EU officially announced the…
Positions | 06.10.2023

Open letter to international donors and organizations that want to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland

We appeal for equal approach to the concept of partnership, respect for the limited time and resources of our organizations, unification of procedures, transparency and frankness. We have…
Positions | 10.10.2022

Comments regarding the new Pact on Migration and Asylum

September 2021 will see one year pass from the announcement by the European Union of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. According to its authors, that document,…
Politics, Positions | 03.12.2021
Grupa ludzi stojących przed

The migration-related policy of Poland – main directions and principles

Introduction We believe that human rights and liberties derived from an individual’s dignity form the base on which the policy of every state should be built. We firmly…
Politics, Positions | 02.07.2021