Knowledge base

Here you will find our original reports and the reports of our organizations, You will learn about our position on important migration issues. You will read various migration policies and simply see what we are up to.

Migration Academy

The Migration Academy is a hybrid tool for local governments and NGOs to gain knowledge and competence in migration management. On the platform you will find educational and expert materials on the integration of people with migration and refugee experience in Poland, especially at the local level.
Open Academy website

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The 4th Forum for Cooperation and Integration has come to an end – thank you for your participation!

The leitmotif of the fourth Forum for Cooperation and Integration, a meeting of dozens of NGOs from all over Poland working on behalf of migrants, was cooperation with…
News | 07.05.2024

Call on MEPs to vote down harmful EU Migration Pact

MEPs will be presented with a final chance to reject the files in a Plenary vote, and to give a political signal against the adoption of a Pact…
News | 09.04.2024

The EU must provide future-proof solutions for people displaced from Ukraine

With temporary protection set to expire on 4 March 2025, EU leadership is urgently needed to ensure millions of people displaced from Ukraine have continued access to rights…
News, Positions | 04.03.2024

How the political agreement on the EU pact on migration and asylum fails the solidarity and human rights test

A political agreement was found on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum on 19  December after intense weeks of trilogues. The worrying outcome weakens considerably the European asylum…
News, Positions | 26.01.2024

Upholding the right to asylum and ensuring unconditional solidarity with all people on the move

SOLIDAR has a diverse membership of over 50 civil society organisations based in 26 countries. Our member organisations include popular education associations, trade unions, independent think tanks, migrant-led organisations working to advance social…
News | 19.12.2023

Stop border violence. Manifesto.

Original text: “The European Union is founded on the indivisible and universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity,” reads the preamble to the EU Charter…
News | 14.12.2023

The third Forum for Cooperation and Integration is behind us!

Solidarity, dignity, empathy… these are just some of the values guiding the daily work of the organizations participating in the Third Forum for Cooperation and Integration, which took…
News | 05.12.2023
Warsaw, Poland. 1 October 2023. 'March of a Million Hearts.' Image license:Grand Warszawski/Shutterstock

Is anti-migrant rhetoric still a vote-winner?

Authors: Karen Hargrave, Sarian Jarosz (original article here) On late Sunday evening an exit poll from Poland’s parliamentary elections delivered a surprising and deal-breaking result, later confirmed as…
News | 19.10.2023

Partnering with Tunisia, the EU persists in its ill-guided politics to keep people out of its territory

The EU must stop signing agreements with third countries demonstrating human rights violations asit tries to stop migrants from arriving to Europe. Background The EU officially announced the…
Positions | 06.10.2023

Report: Navigating narratives in Ukraine: humanitarian response amid solidarity and resistance

ODI has released its latest report, examining the narratives surrounding the war in Ukraine. The report was produced in collaboration with the Migration Consortium and the British Red…
News, Reports | 04.10.2023
