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Migration Academy

The Migration Academy is a hybrid tool for local governments and NGOs to gain knowledge and competence in migration management. On the platform you will find educational and expert materials on the integration of people with migration and refugee experience in Poland, especially at the local level.
Open Academy website

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An ODI Humanitarian Policy Group report – “Narratives and the Ukraine response: implications for humanitarian action and principles”

The humanitarian response to Russia’s war in Ukraine has been deeply influenced by narratives that shape perceptions and decisions. The latest research from ODI's Humanitarian Policy Group, in…
News, Reports | 12.11.2024

Report: Navigating narratives in Ukraine: humanitarian response amid solidarity and resistance

ODI has released its latest report, examining the narratives surrounding the war in Ukraine. The report was produced in collaboration with the Migration Consortium and the British Red…
News, Reports | 04.10.2023

At the starting point. Monitoring of collective accommodation for Ukrainian refugees

The Migration Consortium's monitoring in 6 provinces of Poland and correspondence with authorities have shown a lack of a coherent strategy and information flow between authorities, and raise…
News, Reports | 21.08.2023

Report: The Polish School of Assistance

The report is based on an analysis of activities carried out in selected local communities from three types of cities: large (Krakow, Lublin, Poznan, Rzeszow, Warsaw), medium (Lomza,…
Reports | 10.05.2023
Zdjęcie z lasu na pograniczu polsko-białoruskim

Seeking refuge in Poland: A fact finding report on access to asylum and reception conditions for asylum seekers

At the beginning of the crisis at the Belarusian border in 2021, Poland became the centre of attention in Europe for its response to what it defined as…
Reports | 17.04.2023
11.11.2021 - Kuznica | Sytuacja na granicy polsko - bialoruskiej Operacja Silne Wsparcie Policja / Straz Graniczna1 PBOT / 12 dywizja , 16 dywizja 6 PBD

Beyond the law. Legal assessment of the Polish State’s activities in response to the humanitarian crisis of the Polish-Belarusian border

Dear Readers, We present to you a study which is a legal commentary to the dramatic events that have been taking place on the Polish–Belarusian border since August…
Reports | 01.02.2022

Humanitarian crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border

Report by Grupa Granica The humanitarian crisis that we have been witnessing for the past three months on the Polish-Belarusian border (as well as on Belarus' borders with…
Reports | 01.12.2021
